There’s good news if you’re a business owner. You don’t have to spend all your money on marketing! There are low-cost ways which you can use to your advantage. The key to finding out what they are!
Tips on how to market
Business card
This one is such a given that maybe it shouldn’t even be mentioned. However, it’s surprising how many entrepreneurs forget to get a business card made. You need to have professional looking, attractive business cards which you can hand out when you meet clients. Also, the fact that you have a business card and business stationery at hand show people that you take your business seriously.
Trade shows and meetings
Trade shows and other professional group meetings are entirely for networking and building contacts. Make sure you go to a Chamber of Commerce meeting, a civic association meeting or even one from the Rotary Club. Keep your business cards handy and every time you meet someone, tell your name. By the time you start talking about your business, you should have already handed the card to the person. Make sure also to take a personal interest in what these people do and ensure they remember you as a business contact.
Network, network, network
You need to network and build on contacts with other people in the same field. Tell them you are available for work and that you can help them with any overloads they may face.
Link Exchanges
Exchanging links with other websites that have complimentary products or services will not only give you direct traffic from the link, but it will also help you with your pursuit to get ranked in the search engines. At the time of this writing, Google is the most widely used search engine, and it’s widely known that they consider the number of links pointing to your website as part of the determination where to rank your website.
Give free demos
If you have a set of products which can be demonstrated be sure to do it. Select an attractive venue and then show people how to operate the product. If you have developed some tool for using in your work, you could teach others how to use it as well.
Cold calling
You may think cold calling is only for those irritating telemarketers, but you couldn’t be further from the truth. If you want a word about your business to get across fast, then make sure to be prepared to make cold calls to customers.
So if you thought marketing your company signifies massive investments, think again. With these methods, you can start promoting your business right away. It’s easy and quick. So all you need to do is implement!